...Cuz we know better. Lynn Sweet Flaks for Flake - Defense of Desiree Rogers? ( Ah yes, Desiree wants to "be able to develop relationships that are really deep".) Oh, and Sweet cites the Vince Foster suicide, good grief. Poooor Desiree. Axelrod the thug in chief is quoted. Ha--we're doing a little fact-checking, a little filling out the story whether you like it or not. My friend Pat Hickey, in part:
Desiree Rogers ended Peoples Energy Corp.'s long standing annual grants to the Black kids at Leo High School.Can we say she's the equivalent of an empty suit? As for Sweet, sad.
Leo High School received $ 3,000 annually following a formal written request ( all that 501(c)3 stuff) to help families in need of financial assistance. Desiree Rogers ended that and told me that she going to do "more systemic good."
That year Peoples Gas funded a Fashion Show that featured Desiree Rogers.
P.S. I would just add the Obama administration, while suggesting it's all much ado about nothing is claiming executive privilege so Desiree won't have to face the music with inconvenient questions. And after the Left claiming for months that President Obama is at more risk than most presidents we learn from the Secret Service testimony that the level of threat is no greater than with Bush. But who is too busy being a celebrity to care about the president's security? And who defends this?
More. A Major Hasan moment?
Madam S donned a red sari, a costly hairdo, and confronted a Secret Service person who may very well have, because of their diversity-appropriate names, suffered a Maj. Hasan moment. Presumably he or she contemplated how offensive it would be to degrade someone named Salahi at the White House.It's not all about The One. It's not all about Desiree.
Meanwhile, the White House staff was drinking up at the elegant party for the visiting Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Who would choose to miss one breath of the sweet super-oxygen of the highest status in the land? [snip]
But there is a brutal reality linked to the crashing of this first state dinner, which is that an earlier leader of India, Rajiv Ghandi, was killed at point-blank range by a young woman wearing a sari carrying a grievance and a bomb beneath her dress. The danger of this security breach was enormous.
Previous posts: Desiree Laughingly Allowed Crashers Before, Robert Gibbs, Patronizing Jerk, Unprecedented!, Desiree the Overachieving Perfectionist, Did Desiree Do Her Job?, Some Saturday Style, West Wing's Wealthy Chicagoans
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