Friday, January 15, 2010

Can we say totally clueless Coakley?

Coakley dismisses Schilling: 'Another Yankee fan'

More. One Internal Poll: Dead Even. The Other Internal Poll: Brown By 11.

RCP Blog: If Brown Wins, Blame John Kerry

Campaign Spot: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Makes Worst Stock Photo Choice Ever

In the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ad linked below, the stock photo that they use behind Scott Brown when they discuss "Wall Street greed" . . . the photo is of the World Trade Center.

Liberal Panic: Brown Win Would Mean 'End of Change As We Know It!'

This after casting aspersions on Fenway.

More. Video: Giuliani: Electing Brown Will Send Strong Signal

Legal Insurrection: Coakley Ignorant of Religious Exemption in Senate Health Care Bill

More. U of C Prof Boris Shor via Powerline:
[T]he conservative base in the United States, far from dragging their party moblike into an unelectable extreme, has made the decentralized decision to support the realistically best candidate they can relative to the context in which he's being elected. The 23rd special district election can also be seen in this light; throwing Scozzafava overboard made far more sense in the context of that electorate.
I would just add the Tea Party movement is a small government movement which is mainstream American electorate, encompassing conservative Democrats, independents, libertarians and Republicans.

Scott Brown on Intrade:) His key issues--no to the healthcare bill, strong on national security: don't give captured terrorists constitutional rights, and anti-tax pro-jobs and growth. Classic.

And incomplete analysis by the good prof, as pointed out in the comments:
  1. Bill Says:

    I agree with the conclusion (or suggestion) that conservative Republicans have behaved rationally in these (and, I would say, most) cases in supporting/opposing candidates. (I think the same is generally true for liberal Democrats also.)

    But, I question the claim that “Brown is more liberal than Scozzafava.” What matters in Congressional elections are the promises/expectations re how a candidate will vote on matters before Congress. The killer for Scozzafava was card-check (not abortion, as Democratic spinners claimed) — does Brown support card-check also? Has he waffled on the health care bill as she did?

    I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I suspect that they are “no.” I’ll believe that Brown is more liberal when I see his stated positions on national issues stacked up against Scozzafava’s.

  2. yarrrr Says:

    Thing is… Dede was associated with ACORN and was not only pro-choice but had received the Margaret Sanger award…

I would also add Scott Brown is a lieutenant colonel in the National Guard. Military experience is key. No way is he to the left of Dede on the issues that count these days...
Senator Brown is a proud member of the Massachusetts National Guard, where he has served for nearly three decades and currently holds the rank of Lt. Colonel in the Judge Advocate Generals (JAG) Corps. Brown was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service in homeland security following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
But the professor's point still stands. The most conservative candidate we can. Yes we can.

More Scott and Rudy video. The shot heard round the world.

Back when I was a college student I canvassed this area for McGovern. The Freedom Trail. That freedom part stuck with me and eventually I figured it out:) Bless Scott Brown. And God Bless America!!! Yeah!
SissyWillis RT @NorsU: Good night John Boy, Good night Jim Bob, Good night Mary Ellen, Good night Grand dad, Good night Martha Coakley #masen
ChiNewsBench RT @RednRight: RT @AngelaRMLash: Re Coakley: We've seen people shoot themselves in the foot bfore. We just never saw any1 reload so fast
Coakley underestimated Scott Brown in Mass. Senate race (Dems toss Coakley under the bus. See Jonah Goldberg:)

The evidence Martha Coakley still finds "formidable": "the butcher knife rape with no blood, the public tree-tying episode, the mutilated squirrel and the rest..."

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