Saturday, January 30, 2010

Enough of Stuffy Republicans

Beer Summit? Southtown Star:
William Kelly, a native of Chicago's 19th Ward who's running for Illinois comptroller, wants you to know that Republicans drink beer, too.

And he says he wasn't gawking at women's breasts on a video that his opponent, longtime Orland Park Trustee Jim Dodge, is using against him. [snip]

"I am exactly what the Republican Party needs," Kelly said. "People are saying, 'Thank God we have someone with a pulse.' So what? If you drink beer, don't vote Republican? That mentality is long gone."

As for Dodge?

"You talk to any conservative, fiscal or social, and see if it flies with them that he could do this for a living and label himself a true conservative. It's bull excreta," Dodge said.
Puhleeeeze. And that goes for Judy, Judy, Judy too. Bull excreta.

Pompous. Phonies. Nasty too. Boring. Feeding at the public trough. Enough!

VOTE Kelly for Comptroller.

No excuses for making an honest living. That we don't have to pay for. Unless we want to.

An advocate for small business. An advocate for taxpayers. An advocate for...freedom? What a novel concept:)
Previous posts: NO to Topinka/Dodge Insiders, William J. Kelly statement after Chicago Tonight debate, William Kelly on Thomson


KTLady said...

I hope you enjoy your Kool-Aid from William J Kelly's publicity stunt campaign. It'll all be over in 3 days. And then what will poor , Attention Whore do with himself?

KTLady said...