Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Ayers on a Platter, Dohrn with a Fork

These are the luminaries the state-supported Illinois Humanities Council has conjured up for their 10th anniversary fundraiser.

What, someone more humane wasn't available?

Scott Johnson, Powerline is incredulous at the Ayers, Dohrn prize:
The IHC has set a high bar for next year’s auction. What next? Breakfast with Umar Abdulmutallab? A moonlight cruise with the Unabomber?
Dinner Dance with Ahmadinejad? Appetizer with the local talent from over by Wrigley. And surely Iosbaker can whip something up

What, Chris Kennedy a no show? Penny Pritzker takes a pass? Oops Jon Corzine Madoff with the main course

Gov. Quinn wonders if there are any leftovers

But for a special treat Michelle might drop in with her bombshell bangles or Barack in his dreamy dinner jacket

Maybe something will trickle down...

Stick a fork in it

P.S. Why not reenact the good old days Rashid Khalidi dinner complete with jihadist-prancing dance troupe

UPDATE: More at Rebel Pundit, Illinois Review, Bill Baar, and Prairie State Report. Thanks for the links:)

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