Saturday, October 11, 2008

Barack's October Surprise

Poor Barack, he's got his close relationship with unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers getting long overdue scrutiny (?), a video from Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan surfaces endorsing him in a big way, his latest Muslim outreach director meets with Hamas and Hezbollah supporters. And Barack's corrupt money man Tony Rezko keeps taking little trips from his cell to see the Feds. He'd like to feel the fresh air of freedom on his face. AP, "Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud, spills beans":

Obama's name has not surfaced in accounts of the investigation since the trial. But Rezko himself raised it in a letter to the judge months ago.

"Your Honor, the prosecutors have been overzealous in pursuing a crime that never happened," he wrote. "They are pressuring me to tell them the wrong things that I supposedly know about Gov. Blagojevich and Sen. Barack Obama."

Feeling the heat Barack?

And then there's ACORN. Oh, and Jimmy Carter reminding us of the similarities.

By his secretiveness and evasions, Barack Obama has created his own October surprise. What does that say about his character and judgment?

P.S. Political Punch is intrigued. A clue for you. I repeat: Feeling the heat Barack?

P.P.S. Isn't it about time for the Rev. Wright to surface? Doesn't he have a book coming out "later this year"? Perhaps he will expand on his formative influence on Barack Obama.

UPDATE: What junk from The Politico, complicit with the NY Times on this one:
“We've run a lot of our pieces on the candidates' backgrounds — including many installments of the Long Run series — in just that spot,” Keller said. “The standard is not whether such a piece unearths some shocking new revelation. The value is in offering curious readers a fair, authoritative account of an episode that has generated a great deal of partisan heat and misinformation.”
OK NY Times, so you were too lazy for ages to send a reporter to Chicago, where you still managed to display an amazing lack of curiosity and continue to miss the story--but how about diverging from the Obama talking points to investigate Obama's lost years in your back yard at Columbia? And Bill Ayers overlapping that time during his stint at Ed school?

UPDATE: Rezko singing about Barack's basketball buddy, banker to The One, (helping launch his career) Rezko, and "Jaws Giorengo" Illinois state Treasurer Alexi "Granny Grifter" Giannoulias"? Per Michael Sneed. HotAir conjectures. Broadway Bank may be the unnamed bank in the Barack Sweetie's Sweetheart Mortgage deal which involved Rezko as well. From my 9/22 post:
Obama returning to the Chicago machine for his fundraising needs. Tribune:
The first Chicago event, with minimum admission of $1,500, will be held at The Standard Club. The second fundraiser, at a downtown restaurant, is being hosted by Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias and has a $28,500 admission price.
Alexi the Granny Grifter, banker to "Jaws" Giorengo, and Tony Rezko (scroll down past the details of Obama's own iffy sweetheart mortgage.) Alexi Giannoulias, the guy Barack Obama went out of his way to endorse in the primary, because Alexi bankrolled Barack too.
And Hillary's PUMA says Rezko is about to break, per HillBuzz.

UPDATE: Barack changes his story again on Ayers--first he was just a guy in the neighborhood, then he didn't know what Ayers had done, then he assumed he was "rehabilitated", even though Bill Ayers is clearly unrepentant to this day, now his camp says he's not claiming that any more.?!!!

Related posts on Giannoulias, Rezko: Political Candidate X, FOB: Friends of Barack, Discover the Network, The D'Arco Deal, Madigan on Mob, G-man, Obama's Political Calculation, Those Charitable Dem Politicians, The Obama HealthCare Plan, Taking Stock of Barack (radical friends), Governor Bought Obama Gives Back

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