Monday, February 25, 2008

HMS Hillary

Hillary's interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (emphasis mine):
We talked about everything: those Obama mailers that she’s very angry about, how her faith got her through her marital difficulties, the Barack Obama sensation, and some tough words for now presidential hopeful Ralph Nader.
And this:
I think that there is a certain phenomenon associated with this candidacy, and I am really struck by that because it is very much about him and his personality and his presentation. And that’s perfectly legitimate in politics, or any other walk of life, but I think it dangers or oversimplifies the complexity of the problems we face, the challenges of navigating our country through some difficult uncharted waters. We are a nation at war. That seems to be forgotten.
Ooh. HMS Hillary shot over the Barack bow.


Is Hillary Clinton Misunderstood?

Brody: Are you misunderstood? And if you are, why?
Clinton: You know, I have to believe I am because, time and time again, people who have been criticizing me in very harsh and personal terms, once they have gotten to know me, have apologized to me and have asked even for my forgiveness.
(Forgive me--Did Bill?)

More omg---it's God's will that she was an enabler for Bill:
Hillary on her Faith and Marriage
Brody: How did your faith get you through some of those marital difficulties?
Clinton: I believe that there is a purpose to everything that happens. You may not know it. You may not like it. And it is through that foundation of faith being so firm for me that I was able to sort of work my way to a resolution that was right for me.
Related posts: About Hillary, That was Then...Hillary is Now, Hillary's Latino Edge, Naomi Wolf on Fox, Chicago's Subway Series, Hillary Crying Again, Pity Me Hillary

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