Monday, December 21, 2009

A Second Jihad Here

Thomson hearing tomorrow in Sterling, Illinois. TEA party and Band of Mothers (her video interview here.) heading over.

Tribune Op-ed Sunday: Keep enemy combatants out of the U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch. Trib story yesterday. Apparently those in support are busing people in. Interesting, but who? WSJ:
Anders Lindall, a spokesman for AFSCME in Illinois, said the state system is overcrowded -- housing 45,000 prisoners in facilities built for 32,000. He said Illinois shouldn't be thinking about offloading Thomson to the federal government without a plan to house its own prisoners.
Another snippet from the Trib story:
Even after Florence, Colo., landed the "supermax" prison 15 years ago, a ballyhooed building boom was confined to a Super 8 motel, credit unions and antiques shops.
Clearly a real gangbuster of a boom.

Look, this Thomson transfer from Gitmo exposes Americans to unecessary risks to terrorists when we have a perfectly good prison at Gitmo. The terrorists targeted us long before we opened Gitmo and they will until we defeat them on the battlefield.

Does it make sense to open another battlefield here in America? We know the ACLU is poised to push to release these most dangerous terrorists once they arrive here--so dangerous their own countries don't want them back. And then there are the home-grown terrorists which have surfaced with alarming regularity. Jihad came to America on Sept. 11th.

Don't encourage a second jihad here.

Related posts: What next--take a terrorist to lunch day, Well, maybe Dems will finally attack them as "the rich", Another Big Yawn from Dick Durbin: What Nukes?, Dead Wrong Durbin, Haven't you heard?, Ben Stein at Camp Pendleton, Collateral Damage in the Making, Your Morning Thomson, Chicago Style, Never Again, Gallup Polls on Thomson, Terrorists as Tourists?, LA Reaching Out: Nukes the New Normal, Color the Trib PC Pink, Palin on Thomson, Ahhnold, Roskam, Kirk Statement on Thomson, How Will Importing Dangerous Terrorists Make America Safer?, It's like bulldozers in the night, They did it even before the hearing, Criminally Irresponsible Dems. Quinn. Durbin, Thomson Hearing 12/22, Protest, PC Trib tries to whip us in line, Thomson Illusion, Bringing Terror Home, Cynical and Cowardly, Change of Venue for KSM?

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