Their hired guns have moved on. MoveOn.org, started to defend Bill for his lies under oath (his lies to his cabinet, to Congress, to the American people) in the Lewinsky scandal, has moved on. Hillary is revealed as a conspiracy theorist and negative campaigner.
Ben Smith, The Politico. Game over: The Clintons stand alone:
What’s notable about the highly publicized release of “Game Change,” however, is the virtual silence from the Clinton camp. The lack of public outrage seems to mark the sputtering end of what was once known as the Clinton political machine and underlines a fact that onetime Clinton loyalists acknowledge: The book’s primary sources about the former candidate and current secretary of state are her own former staffers and intimates.Bill is revealed to have had yet another affair. Some kept it under wraps, but no more. More:
If everyone talked, it was one aide in particular whose firing breached the Clinton’s innermost circle: Patti Solis Doyle, a former East Wing scheduler who was fired as Clinton’s campaign manager early in 2008. Clinton’s circle blames Doyle for many of the book’s most embarrassing revelations.Live by identity politics, die by identity politics. (I imagine this will happen sooner with Barack Obama--after all, he is famous for throwing inconvenient family, friends, mentors or more, and political allies under the bus.)
Apparently Hillary has taken refuge Down Under. Maybe she can tell her Sir Edmund Hillary story again. As for Bill, maybe back to Africa to bang his drum.
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