Friday, November 05, 2010

Daniels of Indiana First Up. 12 for 2012

The possible dozen. His interview with Bret Baier aired last night, complete with a Harley run to the state fair. Video via RCP.

"The debt is growing at a terrifying rate...the gravest security threats will come in a rush if we go broke."

And he has the guts to talk about entitlements.

The swing-state Midwest is key to win the presidency. The map turned red on Tuesday, a harbinger of 2012.

P.S. He already has a road-tested RV One:) ...Doing more to help Elkhart than our President Barack Obama.

Previous posts: "Skinflint Mitch" Daniels, A small, small government contender, Daniels of Indiana on ObamaCare Disaster, Indiana's Mitch Magic, Daniels Makes His National Debut, Daniels: Hoosiers and HSAs, Mitch Daniels Opens the Door, A GOP Governor's Serious Steps on the Economy, Mitch Daniels, Doing What Works in Indiana, The Indiana Model

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